Trust your mental strength

Can you do the unthinkable?

When we are born we meet a new world with a blank canvas, we know nothing about everything surrounding us. Despite all the odds stacking up against us we managed to survive and even strive in the new environment. You learned the new language, you built skills and improve them, and are able to take care of yourself.

The world has set so many obstacles for you to surpass and you overcome all of them. Some better than other challenges, but you are here now. What was the silver lining through all of the challenges? Sometimes you think something is very difficult and this will show by being stressed at the moment. You are afraid to do something wrong. The first result may not be 100% what you desired but it’s going in the right direction. For example you may be going to a gym for the first time ever. You’ll be feeling awkward and weak comparing to the other people in there. However everyone started somewhere. The important things is that you start and don’t give up.

A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug. – Patricia Neal

Sometimes we rely on other people or on external boosts to reach our goals. All the new technologies and external boosts could help, but the most important thing is trusting yourself and the actions you take. For example your goal can be to get your driving license. To make it easier on yourself you can do everything with a brand new car with all the new technologies. However to succeed on your exam you need to trust your capabilities and do it without to much external help. Practice learning to drive in an older car without all the help. Then if you take your exam with a newer car you’ll get help in areas you don’t even need help with.

When you believe in what you are doing you receive the best results. If we take fitness as example. If you are preparing for doing a PR lift succeeding depends on if you believe you are going to do it. When you believe in yourself your rep may not be the cleanest of all but you will power through no matter how hard it is. In getting stronger many people (ab)use drugs to get stronger. Your body may look stronger and your body could recover faster. Unfortunately you are paying the price for these benefits later on in life. It seems you can tackle any challenge and defeat any obstacle. But when you are older you’ll get ill because of all the damage you did to your body.

Anything can be done

Do you believe you can do it? 

There are challenges in life that knock us to our knees and beg for us to give up. What you do in these moments defines how your future will unfold. For example you may be studying or working hard towards a certain achievement, but something disastrous happens in your family. There are plenty of reasons that can justify not continuing on your path to success.

If you are working towards unlocking the door towards a certain job and your brother or sister dies. This is reason enough for you to quit and attempt to survive the moment. There is no shame in doing this. Yet you can also think whether or not that would have been what they wanted. Obviously you will take a step back and rethink your life choices. But when it happened to me I decided to not give up and continue no matter what crossed my path. As long as you are breathing you can still go for it, you may have to adapt and switch things around.

In the end, it’s a mental maturity to let your best come out. – Lindsey Vonn

This article is not meant to point fingers at anyone. My personal situation allowed to continue while some goals like health being dialed down a bit for some time. It’s rather important to know there is hope and you can find motivation in yourself to keep going. Manage to continue and you will have no regrets later in life. People will applaud you for your hard work but it will show to yourself that you are capable of beating anything heading your way. You will have nothing in your life that gives you more pleasure knowing that despite all the hardship you managed to push through. It may take you more time because you need more time to recover, but you will get there.

The most difficult step to take is the first one. When something bad happens you are thinking about everything, the easiest is to give up. But what do you gain from giving up, except for acknowledging that when things look impossible you know you can step away? Stay determined, improve your mental strength by attempting to take just one more step, another one and another one. Before you realise you have gone through obtaining your goal and have a story to tell and to motivate others to do the same. Do it for your future and for the people around you. How you react now will determine how your future will look like.

Confidence to take your own path

Do what makes you happy

Having examples around us of what goals we can achieve is great and it enables us to pick and chose what sticks with us. However if no one around you does the same as you it’s up to you to carve your own path.

Taking a route that no one has done before you is difficult, there are many obstacles and a lot of friends and family who may not agree with it. In the end it’s only you and yourself who has to support you on the journey. Supportive friends and family are a blessing and if you have them be thankfull for the situation you are in. Sometimes other people may do the same as you but aren’t comfortable and confident enough to attempt to go for it. One of the examples is taking the step to move jobs. You currently have a stable income, moving jobs means implementing a new adjustement period and having to prove yourself once again. But if you are unhappy with your current job, or the salary, you could take the leap of faith for improvement.

Confidence is not, ‘They will like me’. Confidence instead is, ‘I’ll be fine if they don’t’. – Christina Grimmie

Someone with confidence is not always liked by everyone, but their strong mindset that doesn’t bother about the rest attracts a lot of attention. While others are worried about what others would think confident people only look to their goals and how to reach them. Leaders are the once with confident and they set steps to follow in their footsteps. You can also be confident without being a leader at every situation. The real confidence lays in people who are able to lead, and in other situations are satisfied with following the more experienced person.

No matter what you do when you do it with confidence nearly everyone will accept it. Aslong as you aren’t being aggressive or doing something illegal you will be fine. If you are doing something new and generally aren’t confident apply methods to become confident at the moment and you will perform better. For example if you start your first job and have to speak to clients face to face there are some methods you can use. Walk slow and with a goal in mind, look them in the eye and listen carefully. If you don’t solely wait for your turn to speak but listen with purpose they will perceive you as more experienced, together with being calm they will accept what you are explaining them.


Consistency to build up yourself

Fighting against mountains

Do you have the tendency to build yourself up and how do you perform this? You can build yourself in many different ways. But the best way is by taking on any challenge heading your way.

First off check what part of your life you want to improve and what activity you have to perform. For example when you want to become healthy you know that you have to get moving and eat healthy. Look for the activity you wouldn’t mind doing for an extended amount of time. Don’t solely go for getting on a diet for a month but change your life permanently from this moment on.

Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance – Samuel Johnson

Every single small step you take towards your goal gets you that bit closer to achieving your end goal. In the large scheme it seems unimportant whether or not you go for that 10 min walk in the morning or you skip it. It’s only in a couple of years of consistency that you and everyone around you will notice what this walk and all those after it have done to you.

Consistency improves every part of your life. Included some unexpected consequences. People surrounding you will start to notice everything you have done with the greatest tenacity. It builds your reputation and the trust that people will have that you are capable of finishing what you have started. Despite all the obstacles you witness you will be surpassing every single one of them. Everyone will look at your accomplishments and they will want to follow your lead to success.