Determine if you are having costs or want to save

choosing money
Choose your hand with the money

Which of the hands above would you use for your costs? The remaining hand will be used for saving or investing. Depending on what amount of money you use for saving or investing determines how much money you will have to spare later on in life.

Setting money aside is not determined solely on how much costs you have. Equally important is the time in the month that you put money in your savings account. If you receive your money at the start of the month will you instantly put money away or are you first spending an random amount and only put your lasts cents into a seperate account?

I’m all about saving money. – Andre Drummond

When you are attentive to saving money you are moving ahead of the pack. A lot of people in the world do not save any money at all. A simple method to start saving is by setting an automated saving mechanism in place. It can be as easy as having a certain money being transferred every month. Preferably let this transfer be set on a date just before you receive your income. this makes your account decrease before seeing it increasing. This has a unconscious effect that you see less of an increase from your original number.

Changes in your financial situation don’t have to require huge sacrifices. Transferring money to a saving account before payday is easy and it helps you think about the money that has left your account. This helps to not only be thinking about the nice increase you see on your account. Make just small adjustments which have a big influence on your future. For example cutting returning costs are way better then reducing random purchases. Do you really need cable TV or netflix? Or does an internet connection suffice for you?

Don’t live in the past

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Don’t be focussed on your past

We all carry the burden of our past. But how much you carry it with you totally depends on yourself. How you managed your life in the past can influence your future, but it doesn’t have to. If you had a positive, happy life you can continue this and improve your life further. However if you had hardships and a difficult time you can use it as a difficult starting point to change your future.

Everyone has something they are not proud of, that they want to forget. Try not to be too hard on yourself for it, but neither forget your past. Acknowledge what happened and become stronger, better because of it. Don’t let your past define who you will be from now on.

We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future. – George Bernard Shaw

Do you have something that you did before that you are not proud of? Don’t beat yourself up about it. We have to pay attention to what we did before but it doesn’t makes us who we are. Depending on our past we can change how we react and what we do in our future.

When you are reading this don’t be overwhelmed. Actually reading about it allows you to think about what you want to become in life. The route to becoming awesome isn’t a sprint but a marathon. Implement the smallest changes in your routine, so that you become better piece by piece.

You have no further control to what happened in the past. But you can look forward and determine your future.



Make wise daily decisions

What route are you taking?

Do you know someone who takes the day as it goes? Those are the people who frequently say not to sweat the small stuff. Life is too hard to be worrying about the small decisions. However tiny changes in your decision making can make a big difference in the bigger picture of your life.

Drinking a glass of water instead of a beer at a party isn’t going to make your life change around. Taking this decision once in a while will positively influence your life. Benefit upon benefit improves your quality of life. The same thing goes for working out. One additional rest day isn’t going to hurt you. But if you plan on working out 3 times a week, and skip one workout every week you are going to notice the difference.

All of us start from zero. We take the right decision and become a hero. – Govinda

Everyone has the same amount of time in a day or a week. But how you fill those hours determine how succesfull you will be. If you take good decision all day you will reap the benefits of them later on. You don’t need to reward yourself with tasty unhealthy foods for every small win you obtain. Delay your gratification and you be rewarded a lot more in the future. Instead of going to drink a lot alcohol, laying in your couch watching TV do something usefull that improves your life.

The more often you go and do some work instead of pleasure the better your freedom will be in the future. Instead of laying in a couch for 4 hours straight binge watching TV spend just 15 mins of learning a language. Then go read a book for 30 minutes and fill the rest of your time watching TV. Making a simple change like this really helps you to improve your capabilities.

Obtaining self-discipline by adding small changes

Change habits
Build self-discipline by doing small adjustments

Everyone knows one person in their environment that they consider to be extremely self-disciplined. We admire them and secretly wish that some of the discipline would flow over to us.

How is it possible that some are so disciplined while others having difficulties waking up or not watching TV the entire day? The so called secret lies in the details. When you get back home, how do you start your evening? Everyone needs some way recovering from their day. But how you do this makes a big difference. You can play video games, go for a walk outside or going for a run. Something as simple as going for a morning walk every day helps you perfect your ability to create self-discipline.

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments – Jim Rohn

When you manage to have discipline you can set no matter how extreme goals, you can achieve them. Even if you set yourself as goal to be a millionare, you can obtain this. As with any big accomplishment in life the only way to obtain is by taking small steps towards a bigger picture. The power of discipline helps you to keep your leg stiff in any situation. Despite the hardship you can surpass them all.

A good method of learning how to be disciplined is by writing your goals down for the next day. When you don’t feel like doing the big goals you wrote down just start with a little part of it. For example don’t think about writing the 5 page essay. Either start with researching about the subject or start writing a few sentences. before you know you wrote a few sentences or even a few alineas. When you want to do something else go ahead and do so. Go back at it in 30 minutes and see how you get on with the task ahead.

No matter how much discipline you have right now you can rise and shine in your discipline levels if you pay attention to it. Go for the extra mile hiking, eat an extra piece of fruit or study for 30 minutes longer. Before you know it you will accomplish all you goals while others will look at you getting inspired by everything you do.